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Improve TV Sound: By changing these 3 settings on my TV, I dramatically improved the audio quality.


Improve TV Sound:

Imagine you’re watching a new streaming series and constantly increasing the volume during dialogue between two actors in every scene. It feels like both characters are whispering—until there's an explosion on screen and the sound becomes opposite, almost deafening. What's happening? It's not just the unbalanced sound ratio that's bothering you, nor is your hearing deteriorating. Keep reading, and you might find an easy way to improve (and balance) the audio quality of your TV.

In the above scenario, my first recommendation would be to turn on your closed captions. However, while enabling video subtitles is an obvious solution for understanding dialogue, some people find reading text on the screen cumbersome and distracting. If you can't face reading the script on your screen, try the following solutions:

    Experiment with these audio settings

    Excessive bass can hinder speech clarity, making words sound muffled or suppressed. Instead of adjusting individual bass and treble controls, try preset sound modes first. Using your remote, find the audio or sound section of your TV. While watching a TV show or movie with a lot of dialogue, cycle through the modes to determine which one provides the best (or clearest) sound quality—such as Movie, User, or Standard.

    If you find that the dialogue is still unclear, try the Dialogue, News, or Speech Boost mode if available. Sometimes, disabling audio enhancements like Bass Boost or Surround, which can negatively affect dialogue clarity, also helps. Finally, consider slightly increasing the treble to enhance speech intelligibility.

    Remember, each TV and room has unique acoustics, so it's beneficial to try various settings to discover what works best for your space.

    Adjust volume leveling

    Volume leveling, often referred to as dynamic range compression, proves to be a valuable feature commonly integrated into contemporary television sets. By reducing the difference between the loudest and softest sounds, volume leveling makes dialogue easier to understand, especially in productions where there's a significant volume difference between action scenes and conversations.
    This feature maintains more consistent volume levels throughout your content, preventing sudden sound spikes that can be jarring or uncomfortable.

    Volume leveling is particularly beneficial when watching TV at low volumes, such as at night when children are sleeping. It makes quiet sounds audible and prevents potentially loud sounds from being too overwhelming.
    Perhaps the best use of volume leveling is reducing the excessive loudness of commercials (if you're watching cable). Have you ever noticed that? Loud commercials drive me crazy most of the time, and volume leveling helps.

    Consider your speakers

    Factory TV speakers are generally not the best. Even some of the most expensive models have their speakers located behind the panel, facing downward, so make sure your speakers aren't blocked or obstructed.
    If you've modified the audio settings described above—and adjusted the position of your TV considering the room acoustics—but still find the sound quality muffled or distorted, it might be time to invest.

    While this isn't a free or no-cost hack, soundbars and sound bases are reasonably affordable options. A soundbar is a long, slim speaker placed or mounted below your TV to enhance your audio output and create a more immersive experience. Opting for a soundbar can save you the cost of buying a new TV with a high-end built-in sound system. Many modern soundbars include a separate wireless subwoofer or integrated bass driver to further enhance richness and depth.

    Affordable options with HDMI connections and integrated 4K streamers are available, while brands offer various soundbar choices. Soundbars specifically designed to enhance dialogue clarity can make speech more distinct and clearer.

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    Sound bases serve a similar purpose, providing a larger speaker that sits below the TV. These typically include powerful bass drivers, eliminating the need for a separate subwoofer. Ensure you select a sound base that supports Dolby Digital or DTS 5.1 audio streams. Choosing the right soundbar or sound base can transform your TV audio into a more enjoyable home theater experience.

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